
Motherhood | "It Won't Be Like This For Long"

Photographing women during this beautiful, fleeting time in their lives gives me so much joy. Being a parent changes you. Motherhood changes you. It changes your perspective, gives you greater insight into your own beliefs, bursts your heart wide open and introduces you to a love you have never yet experienced. These truly are the days. While they may be long, the years certainly are short.

Darius Rucker said it best,

“It wont be like this for long
One day soon we'll look back laughin'
At the week we brought her home.
This phase is gonna fly by,
So baby just hold on.
It wont be like this for long”

The depth of love mothers have for their children is sometimes hard to articulate with words, but I always find it is so easily captured on film. This right here, is what it feels like. Love, cuddles, smiles, hand holding, singing sweet songs, and long walks on the beach.

Enjoy some of my favorite images from this beautiful Mama’s last Motherhood Session with her #1, before #2 arrives in a couple of months!