
Second Birthday Cake Smash!

They say the third time is a charm. We have found that to be true! Our little charmer is TWO years old! And since she was born during a hurricane, and the storms keep rolling in every year like clockwork on her birthday, we decided better late than never to let her smash a birthday cake of her very own! At first she was confused that I gave her an entire cake to eat with her hands, and then she went to town! Take a look at her face in the last image, she always puts her hands by her face when she’s calling out to people. I want to always remember that. “Oh Maaamaaaa…I wike dis cake!

Operation: 2nd birthday cake smash was a smashing success!

Happy Birthday to our sweet Ava! We love you more than all of the cake in the world!

Smash Cake by Incredible Edibles!